
Konferenz "Experiences of Violence and Notions of Temporality in Jewish History"
Bewerbungsfrist: 31. August 2022

Experiences of violence have a great impact on Jewish life and Jewish thinking from biblical times onward. In an interdisciplinary conference we aim to discuss these various collective experiences of violence in Jewish history with a special focus on temporality. One key theme to be explored are modes of anticipating violence and the various actions that result from this anticipation. The processing and the interpretations of experiences of violence are a second important theme.

Scholars at any stage of their career, who are interested to participate in the conference, are invited to submit a short abstract (300 words max.) and a short biographical note (150 words max.) to Prof. Dr. Monica Rüthers (monica.ruethers@uni-hamburg.de), Dr. Kim Wünschmann (kim.wuenschmann@igdj-hh.de), and Ilay Halpern, M.A. (ilay.halpern@uni-hamburg.de) until August 31, 2022.

The conference is organized as part of the Work Package “Before the Pogrom: Anticipated Violence in Modern Jewish History” within “GewaltZeiten/Times of Violence. Temporality in Violent Undertakings”, a research unit funded by the Research Program of the City of Hamburg (LFF) in which scholars from the University of Hamburg, the Institute for the History of the German Jews, and the Helmut Schmidt University of the Bundeswehr cooperate.