Since the fall of 2006, more than 300 volunteer researchers have published 23 volumes under the series title of “Stolpersteine in Hamburg-(Stadtteil) – Biographische Spurensuche” (Stolpersteine in Hamburg-(neighborhood) – Biographical Search for Traces) within the project entitled “Biographical Search for Traces Associated with the Stolpersteine.” In addition to a history of the respective neighborhood, they contain the biographies of the persons for whom Stolpersteine were laid in Hamburg. Sometimes, suggested tours or essays complement this collection.
Most of the volumes relate to Hamburg neighborhoods. One volume presents the biographies of the numerous Stolpersteine laid in Isestrasse; the volume on Grindel I covers the Stolpersteine laid in Hallerstrasse and Brahmsallee. Two publications are double volumes (Eimsbüttel and Eppendorf).
Two other publications focus on special victims of the Nazi dictatorship: Transport in den Tod (“Transport to Death”) gathers the biographies of Jewish patients who were transported from Hamburg to the Brandenburg “euthanasia” killing center on 23 September 1940 and murdered there. The double volume entitled Die vergessenen Kinder von Zwangsarbeiterinnen in Hamburg. Ein Gedenkbuch (“The Forgotten Children of Forced Laborers in Hamburg. A Memorial Book”) is devoted to the all-too-brief lives of forced laborers’ children, who were often born in Hamburg and died there.
The volumes were published by the Hamburg State Center for Civic Education (Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg) and the IGdJ, with editorial supervision by Dr. Rita Bake and Dr. Beate Meyer. The publication series has now been completed – with the exception of a volume on Langenhorn-Fuhlsbüttel, which will appear in 2021/22. The volumes are available at the Infoladen of the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Dammtorwall 1, 20354 Hamburg for a provision fee of 3 Euros (6 Euros for double volumes) (for opening hours, call +49 (0)40 42823-4802).