Migration History,
Jewish Life Worlds in the Hamburg Area,
National Socialism and the Shoah in Terms of History and Impact
Edition of the Diaries of Kurt Fritz Rosenberg (1933–1937)
Dr. Björn Siegel, Dr. Beate Meyer

Jewish Life Worlds in the Hamburg Area,
National Socialism and the Shoah in Terms of History and Impact
Editing Project: “A Revolution is Taking Place with an Unknown Outcome.” Four Hamburg Residents Experience the Year 1933. A Look at Contemporary Diaries
Dr. Frank Bajohr, Joachim Szodrzynski, Dr. Beate Meyer

The Long Nineteenth Century,
Contemporary History and Contemporary Studies
Fascination and Foreignness – The German-Jewish Circus Companies Blumenfeld and Strassburger from the Kaiserreich to the Post-War Period
Julianne de Sousa, M. A.
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Migration History,
History of Education and Science
Emigration – Interpretation of the Times – Contemporary History. Eva G. Reichmann (1897–1998)
PD Dr. Kirsten Heinsohn

The Long Nineteenth Century
History of the Jews in Silesia
PD Dr. Andreas Brämer, Prof. Dr. Arno Herzig

Jewish Life Worlds in the Hamburg Area,
National Socialism and the Shoah in Terms of History and Impact
History and sources of the Hamburg Jewish Community (1933 to 1938)
Prof. Dr. Ina Lorenz, Prof. Dr. Jörg Berkemann

Jewish Religious History,
History of Education and Science,
The Long Nineteenth Century
Science of Faith? – Science of Judaism in the Nineteenth Century between Denominational Theology and Empirical Research
PD Dr. Andreas Brämer
Migration History
Drawing Boundaries through Humanitarian Aid Based on the Example of Jewish Migration to the USA between 1920 and 1950
Dr. Christine Hartig

Jewish Construction,
Jewish Religious History,
The Long Nineteenth Century
Jewish Reform and Architecture
PD Dr. Andreas Brämer, Dr. Viola Rautenberg

Jewish Construction,
Contemporary History and Contemporary Studies
“Jewish Construction” between 1945 and 1989/90 in the Federal Republic and the GDR. Possibilities, Limits, and Spaces
Dr. Alexandra Klei

Jewish Construction,
The Long Nineteenth Century
Jewish Paths toward Architecture. German-Jewish Architects in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
PD Dr. Andreas Brämer, Dr.-Ing. Katrin Keßler, Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knufinke, Dipl.-Ing. Mirko Przystawik, Pia Dressler, Anne Kunhardt

Migration History,
Jewish Religious History,
Contemporary History and Contemporary Studies
Lebenswirklichkeiten – Junge russischsprachige Juden in der deutschen Einwanderungsgesellschaft
Dr. Karen Körber

Jewish Life Worlds in the Hamburg Area,
National Socialism and the Shoah in Terms of History and Impact,
Contemporary History and Contemporary Studies
Nazi Looted Assets in the Library of the IGdJ
Susanne Küther, Jörn Kreuzer

Jewish Life Worlds in the Hamburg Area,
National Socialism and the Shoah in Terms of History and Impact
Fritz Benscher – a Biographical Study
Dr. Beate Meyer

Jewish Religious History,
The Long Nineteenth Century,
Jewish Life Worlds in the Hamburg Area
From ‘Edzard’s Jewish Converts’ Home’ to the ‘Edzardi Foundation.’ Jewish-Christian Relations, Jews, and Converts from Judaism in the Mirror of a Hamburg Foundation for the Mission to the Jews from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
Dr. Jutta Braden