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Dr. Carolin Lange

Affiliated scholar

+49 (0)40 42838-2617


Carolin Lange is an affiliated scholar at the IGdJ and project manager of the project entitled Als sie weg waren – Die private Wahrnehmung des Holocaust (“After They Left – Private Perceptions of the Holocaust”). She studied literature and modern and ancient history at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Université de Fribourg, obtaining her Ph.D. at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Between 2011 and 2015, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and a DAAD postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington, among other positions. In 2019, she was a fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC.

As an expert on provenance research and ‘Aryanization,’ she worked as a project manager at the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments in Munich between 2016 and 2021 and also addressed how the current owners of formerly ‘Jewish’ objects deal with these objects and their materiality and what emotional difficulties they experience.

Carolin Lange was a board member of the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V. (Study Group for Provenance Research) between 2018 and 2021. Founder and managing director of the agency Lange & Schmutz Provenienzrecherchen in Biel, Switzerland, in this capacity she advises public and private institutions on dealing with provenance research and restorative justice.

Activity profile

Carolin Lange is interested in the material as well as the emotional aspects and consequences of the Holocaust and its reception by the non-Jewish population: who profited from the expropriations; which objects changed unlawfully into ‘Aryan’ hands; who moved into the abandoned ‘Jewish’ apartments? Moreover, did the acquisition also guarantee subsequent undisturbed use, or did the new owners and tenants display emotional and affective difficulties? How do today’s contemporaries deal with objects that were once Jewish property? She is interested in a new social and reception history of the Third Reich that also takes into account the reverberations into the present day and how we deal with our own family.

Main areas of activity:

  • Perception and reception of the Holocaust
  • Microhistory
  • Provenance research
  • History of emotions
  • Economic exploitation of the Jews / ‘Aryanizations’

Current projects

Als sie weg waren – Die private Wahrnehmung des Holocaust
(“After They Left – Private Perceptions of the Holocaust”)

Recent publications

  • Der Raub der kleinen Dinge. Belastetes Erbe aus Privatbesitz: Ein Leitfaden für Museen. (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022).
  • Genies im Reichstag: Führerbilder des republikanischen Bürgertums in der Weimarer Republik. Hannover: Wehrhahn.
  • Lange, Carolin, Kreutzmüller Christoph, Precarious Mortgages – Mortgage Banks and their Jewish Customers during National Socialism. Yad Vashem Studies [n.d.].
  • Lange, Carolin, After They Left – Looted Jewish Apartments and the Private Perception of the Holocaust. Holocaust & Genocide Studies 35 (2020), 431-449.
  • Lange, Carolin, Monogames und promiskuitives Lesen: Über die verborgenen Grundlagen der Autonomieästhetik um 1800. German Studies Review 42.1 (2019): 1-18.
  • Lange, Carolin, Bach, Christine, ‘Sieben Kisten mit jüdischem Material’ – Der Raub der Judaica in Unterfranken 1938. Sieben Kisten mit jüdischem Material’ – Von Raub und Wiederentdeckung 1938 bis heute. Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich: 91–104.
  • Lange, Carolin, Bach, Christine, Restitution von jüdischem Kulturgut. Jüdisches Kulturgut. Erkennen, Bewahren, Vermitteln. Berlin: De Gruyter/ Deutscher Kunstverlag: 156–166.
  • Lange, Carolin, ‚In diesem Sinne hat jede Zeit, hat jedes Volk die Führer, die sie verdienen’ – Zum Politik- und Politikerbild des republikanischen Bürgertums in der Weimarer Republik. German Studies Review 36.2 (2013): 237–257.