
Talk and Reception 24 June 2024 at IGdJ

The evening event and the discussion between Prof Mirjam Wenzel (Jewish Museum Frankfurt/Goethe University Frankfurt am Main) and Prof Yaniv Feller (IGdJ/University of Florida) took place in the reading room of the IGdJ in front of an interested audience. Exhibiting Jewish history, culture and religion in a museum setting harbours many opportunities as well as challenges. Curatorial decisions emphasise individual aspects and highlight complex narratives and events. At the same time, they also lead to omissions and generalisations and are challenged by a supposed balancing act between "Jewish" and "general" history. What is actually "Jewish" about a Jewish museum? What role do Jewish museums play or can they play in the 21st century? These and other questions were discussed and continued in lively conversation at the subsequent reception.

The ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS generously supported the event and the fellowship of Prof Yaniv Feller.

More about the Fellowship at IGdJ and about Prof Yaniv Feller

More about Prof Mirjam Wenzel (Jewish Museum Frankfurt/Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)

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