Forschung zu neuer Kulturgeschichte des Warschauer Ghettos
Foto: Amos Goldberg
Am Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden startet das Dr. Gabriele-Meyer-Fellowship-Programm, um innovative wissenschaftliche Projekte im Feld der Jüdischen Studien zu fördern und im internationalen Austausch die bestehenden Forschungsschwerpunkte des IGdJ zu vertiefen.
Wir heißen als unseren ersten Fellow Professor Amos Goldberg von der Hebräischen Universtiät Jerusalem herzlich willkommen, der von März bis Juli 2023 am IGdJ sein wird. Er wird an einer neuen Kulturgeschichte des Warschauer Ghettos arbeiten.
Amos Goldberg: “During my tenure at the IGdJ I am planning to finish writing my book on the cultural history of the Warsaw Ghetto – a research project I had been working on for several years. According to Moshe Rosman (who reflected on this in the context of Jewish history), cultural history is not interested in the products of creative forces within a particular group, but in the meanings these forces and products convey. Or in other words, cultural history is not concerned with describing the cultural and religious institution or their products, but rather in the mechanism of meaning-making within a certain society, or in what Peter Burke sees as the common basis of all branches of cultural history: ‘dealing with the symbolic and its interpretation.’ In my research I apply these approaches to the study of the Jews of Warsaw under Nazi rule. The book dedicates a chapter to each of the following topics: the culture of rumors in the ghetto; the Warsaw ghetto street jester and his social critique; coffeehouses in the ghetto; language wars and the transformation of language; clothing and fashion.”